Helping coffee traders respond to impending deforestation regulation while centering farmers in the solution process.
The Context: I worked on this project during my time at NAX, a venture studio. The core product, a proprietary enterprise software, was developed for a global coffee trader so they could use geospatial imagery to monitor deforestation within their supply chain.
The Problem: After a successful core product launch, new legislation required our users to shift from just monitoring deforestation to actively mitigating it, with potential fines up to 8% of global revenue for non-compliance.
The Objective: I was tasked with determining how the current product offering could be expanded to help users respond to the new legislation and keep their supply chains in compliance while centering the needs of farmers that would be affected the solution.
The Process:
(1) Understand the Legislation: Research the legislation in order to understand what a satisfactory solution would need to encapsulate in order to meet the needs of the user.
(2) Understand Solution Desirability and Feasibility: Research barriers to solution adoption and implementation in order to account for constraints.
The Outcomes:
New Feature Offering: Defined and validated the Sustainable Agriculture Support Platform, a key feature set enabling traders to connect farmers with resources and land management practices proven to reduce agriculture-driven deforestation over time.
Amplification of Farmer Voices: Through this research, we were able to align the best interests of the trader with the best interests of the farmer and developed a solution that met the needs of both our client and the farmers within their supply chain.
Additional Funding: Presented findings as team to secure $1M in funding from client for the build of the new feature set.
Client Cost-Savings: Within the first year of deployment, the new feature set is projected to save the client ~40% in fines that would have otherwise been incurred.
Increased User Satisfaction: 100% increase in user satisfaction
Before the new feature set was developed, users rated the product with an average CSAT score of 2 when asked how well it equipped them to comply with the new legislation. Following the feature set’s development, the CSAT score rose to 4.
Lead Researcher, Lead Design Strategist, and Project Lead
Project Type
B2B Enterprise Software
Agricultural Commodity Trader
1 on 1 Interviews
Card Sorting/Stacked Ranking
Co-Design Workshop
Concept Testing
Systems Mapping
Regulatory Compliance Flow Chart
Causal Loop Diagrams
2 Comprehensive Research Reports
Farmer Personas
Farmer Journey Maps
14 weeks; Jan-April 2024